Ted Woods, LLC ● P. O. Box 231 ● Centerville, MA 02632 ● 508-419-7225
Ted Woods has over 35 years’ telecom experience in a variety of roles. Those of you who know him are familiar with his technical expertise and commitment to customer service. His goal is to help local companies focus on their core business because they are confident that their telecommunications technology is set up to help them do business effectively, efficiently and reliably.
Ted Woods has been installing and servicing telephones and large and small business telephone systems on Cape Cod since 2006.
Ted stays updated on the latest technologies and can help you select those that best meet your business needs in an efficient, timely and affordable manner.
Ted the Telephone Guy’s goal is to be your trusted telecom business partner.
Your business phone system and telecommunications technology should be an asset for your business, not a problem. We plan our work for minimum disruption of your normal business operations. We treat you as we would like to be treated.